Sackler in the snow

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

i-pod, you- tube, we can all find something out there

This post is a little overdue ..partly becasue it is very easy to lose a chunk of time browsing those pods and tubes...

I have been aware of both podcasts and you tube for some time , but had yet to download anything or subscribe to a site.
I used the suggested sites to search for podcasts and was amazed at the sheer numbers of hits matching my search terms in both podcast alley and I was unable to resist "the dancing frenchman" which is no more or less than what the title suggests :) but also found some interesting uses of podcasts by libraries around the world,including "the library minute" from University of Arizona, giving regular updates to library users in the form of a short video.
I have listened to BBC podcasts via iplayer but not subscribed to anything up to now.
It was amazingly simple to add subscriptions to google reader using the relevant icon on the BBC site.
Finally, I browsed Oxford University podcasts and listened to part of a lecture by one of our readers in the classics faculty.
I am now inspired to download some podcasts to the mp3 player on my phone and can absolutely see their potential as a means of disseminating information to readers that they can listen to (and hopefully remember!) at whatever time suits them.

I have been using you tube on and off for a while,and as others have said in their blogs, it is all too easy to while away the time looking at nostalgic videos of childhood TV programmes and long-forgotten tunes.However, in the interest and spirit of "23 things" , i did search for "library" and found various items posted from around the world...virtual tours of library buildings being a good example.

I can't resist posting a link to one of my favourite you-tube library -related videos here:
Mr bean consults a rare book....

Overall, the search process for podcasts and you tube postings could be compared to a giant virtual car boot sale...sifting among all the sellers for "gems" to take away.
I have enjoyed this process very much and can defintiely see how both can be added to a "portfolio" of means of communicating with library users.

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